

Gave Mr. Magnus his own subdomain (/magnus/) and fixed links that led to his old shrine page. Styling and contents are the same with the exception of centering some text that looked off on my end. Mobile styling of pages is in the works btw! Just slow going as this is a busy month for me this year.


I've made some changes behind the scenes and started some basic work on the page for my D&D campaign setting 'Mogarth'. Technically this has been over the past few days but I have not had much to show for it on the main site itself. I have also, thanks to some help from a fellow netizen, figured out how to align the little dropdown info boxes on the 'About Me' page AND how to remove some weird spacing in a style-less unordered list (the 'Page Index' link lists, specifically). Currently building some CSS classes to ease my site formatting work later on. I know I haven't been putting much on the shrines but they'll benefit from me figuring this out first. Also removed some old page dependancies on ids, since I made a .txtcenter class instead.


Broke some links! (About Me, Contact + Dalek Shrine were affected). Dalek Shrine also received a new landing page with some (currently nonfunctional) links to (future) pages! Updated the styling too! Text boxes, background gif of stars and I fixed some weird padding on the navbar that was making the header appear weirdly!


Changed main css file and added some borders to various images (on Homepage and Magnus Shrine), also messing with the styling of the Page Index and the Navbar.


Basic CSS navbar added to some site pages. (contains links to: "Homepage, About Me, Page Index, Changelog"). Currently this bar is the same on every page, will change in future. Also added basic CSS styling. Added a marquee on homepage and started testing out how to make a footer look good as well. Added to Dalek shrine. (Pre-History and Pre-Conflict sections, as well as alignment and photo additions).
Later in the day I added "Contact" page and linked it to "About Me" page.


'Changelog' page created. 'About Me' page created. 'Site Index' page created. 'Magnus" page updated. 'Daleks' page updated. Unlisted testing page created to test out HTML/CSS before putting into main areas of site.
